Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Midnight Meat Train" FINALLY coming to DVD.

According to horror website iconsoffright, it'll be released on Feb. 27 of the Noo Yeer.

Awesome. And when I say "Awesome", I mean "Finally!", and when I say "Finally!" I mean for it to sound like this: "FIIII-NUUH-LEEEE!" This film was really, REALLY screwed over at the box office; I had literally been waiting MONTHS to see this bad boy's bloody self on the big screen, and whaddaya know? Apparently back-biting macho-posturing at LionsGate killed "Midnight Meat Train" deader than a dead thing that is no longer living. Damn.

And yet, I can still find something to whine about with this upcoming DVD release. It only has three extras, according to iconsoffright. They are as follows:

- Anatomy of a Murder: the Making of The Midnight Meat Train featurette
- World of Clive Barker featurette
- Mahogany's Bag featurette

Only three? No commentaries? No conceptual art? Just "featurettes", not full-blooded features? Come on! However, I really should be thankful that this is getting any features at all, considering how deep LionsGate tried to bury it (I almost wrote "hard and deep", but that just sounds dirty). At least it has features, unlike the completely bare-bones American DVD of Frontier(s).

Still... Midnight Meat Train's comin' to town! Now if only Barker would hurry up and finish the Abarat series....


The Worlock said...

YAYZ! It comes out right around the same time as "Repo! The Generic Opera"!!! Now if they'll just hurry up and throw "Trick or Treat" on a disc, I'll be proud of LionsGate once again!

The Genre Geek said...

You mean this film?

Or this one?

Because I want to see both of 'em now! Though somehow I feel that a like the '80's "Trick or Treat" should be released by a company like Synapse... basically so the DVD art looks like it came out of the '80s and is not a desperate, over-Photoshopped, ill-fated attempt to try and modernize it. Their cover art for both "Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare" and "Black Roses" is great and is basically just the original VHS art, I believe.

The Worlock said...

The one from this year. It got the same treatment as 'Meat Train'.

God, the 80's one was cheesy as crud. Ozzy Osbourne playing a Pat Robertson parody was motherloving awesome, though.