Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cool Music Weekend #1: Peter Gabriel

Okay, this is the first of a new feature here at Nothing but Nerd. Basically, every weekend (and for me, that's Saturday and Sunday), I'll post another installment of "Cool Music Weekend", showcasing bands/artists that I think deserve attention. Or maybe they already have attention, and I'm just saying that I like them. Whatever.

Mostly I'll be posting heavy metal, but for this first installment, I wanted to focus on an artist that's been one of my favorites ever since my teen years. Peter Gabriel. One-time singer for prog-rock legend Genesis, famous "world musician" solo artist, that guy who does some of the trippiest music videos in music video history. (Seriously, check out his videos for "Sledgehammer" and "Big Time" if you don't believe me--I think that "Big Time" even won an award for its stop-motion stuff.)

But here today are some lesser-known Gabriel songs, and they're two of my favorites.

First up, "Blood of Eden". Yes, it's got a trippy music video. But it's also one of the most profound and honest "love songs" I've heard in popular music. Most "love songs" are about that first feeling of love, the time when you think that you love someone and you think that feeling will never go away, that your loved one completes you, that they're your everything, or something to that effect. Millions of dollars have been made off the feelings of first love.

But what happens when those feelings go away? What happens when problems come into the relationship--namely, the problems that we all bring into any relationship with another human being, simply because we are human beings. What then?

Peter Gabriel, through "Blood of Eden" isn't afraid to say that then sometimes that relationship ends, and that it is very painful. "Blood of Eden" is a response to his divorce. The lyrics are all about the pain of losing someone who was very dear to you, about still wanting that person despite the hurt they've caused you (and vice versa).

...Okay, now that I've depressed you, here's a FUN Peter Gabriel song!

Seriously, can anyone listen to this and NOT want to get up and shake his/her ass to it? It's just THAT catchy. And no, I'm not going to be analyzing it for deeper meaning this time. Just be content to know that it has Peter Gabriel turning into a human-sized, human-shaped column of water and getting turned to steam by two dancing fire-girls, and Peter Gabriel's head superimposed onto a muscleman's body, and his limbs being taken off one at a time by admiring women, and that he turns into Thomas the Tank.

Plus, the opening moments? Pimp suitin' time. SRSly.

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